Unboxing for Building Connections and Community in Online Learning
By Lisa Forbs
You all might have seen our call for participants in the Professors at Play Fun Fall Pal Package (FFPP). It was an opportunity to send and receive a physical fun package with fellow P@Ps. Something playful and tangible to represent our virtual community. Something fun to start of the new semester.
This idea was inspired by some colleagues of ours (and also Professors at Play!) Andrea Laser and Dennis DeBay at the University of Colorado Denver. This past Spring, they hosted a workshop series to unveil their “Unboxing Pedagogy” that suggests sending physical boxes to online students.
They believe there is something about sending and receiving tangible items that builds connection and promotes interaction in interesting ways. Their hope is to make the online learning experience come to life and be more connected and meaningful– in a time when distance learning can feel isolating. They believe that mail and boxes might do the trick.
Check out this video: https://sehd.wistia.com/medias/h8xfyna6av
We love this idea because it breaks the barriers of online learning. Maybe you might adopt a similar approach to your online or virtual classes. . .
If you have more questions about Unboxing Pedagogy feel free to contact Andrea or Dennis!