NOW SEEKING SUBMISSIONS: 'The Professors at Play ONLINE Playbook'

Submit Your Innovative Online Teaching Ideas!

Help us make online learning more playful. Submit your ideas and tested techniques for making the virtual classroom more fun.


Submission Deadline Oct 31, 2024

About The Playbook

‘The Professors at Play Online Playbook’ aims to gather the most effective and innovative online teaching strategies from around the globe. This book will be an essential resource for educators looking to infuse playful pedagogy into their online classrooms. Why let classroom teachers have all the fun?

The inaugural Professors at Play Playbook laid the groundwork for bringing play into higher education. The Online Playbook looks to extend that work by diving deep into the online classroom.

This edited anthology is planned for publication in the Winter of 2025 by Carnegie Mellon’s ETC Press.

If you teach online and have experience or ideas about incorporating more play into your online and hybrid courses, we want to hear from you!

Why Contribute?

The original Professors at Play Playbook featured contributions from over 70 teachers from around the globe. With almost 9000 downloads, the Playbook has proven an effective tool for sharing playful pedagogies. We expect the Online Playbook will generate similar interest and reach. By sharing your ideas, your playful successes and your insights, you will be taking an active role in reshaping higher education.

All contributors receive full credit for their work and retain publishing rights beyond the initial use in the Playbook. Additionally, the Playbook will be available in a free online format and a low-cost printed version.

Submission Details


Do you teach online? How do you make it playful? Do you have great ideas for making online learning more fun?

We would like to hear from you.

We seek playful pedagogical techniques designed for, or that will work well in the online classroom. For this project, we consider online to include:

  • Synchronous and asynchronous classes delivered at a distance
  • Hybrid courses that may include some in-person instruction
  • Instructor-led and self-paced courses
  • Full-term courses and shorter online units and activities

Mirroring the structure of the original Professors at Play Playbook, we will organize the techniques into the following categories:

  1. The Playful Professor: How do you create a playful spirit in your online courses? What techniques do you use to connect with your students at a distance? How do you validate playfulness and inspire fun?
  2. Icebreakers and Connection Formers: How do you get your students to play together in a medium known for creating disconnection? What approaches and techniques do you use to get students interacting, with or without bringing the class content into the mix?
  3. Play to Teach Content: What playful techniques do you use to teach specific content?
  4. Whole Course Play: Do you have a course theme? Are there other ways you can create a playful frame around your entire course?

We are particularly interested in ideas that take advantage of the online format’s affordances. What makes online learning unique? What unique playful techniques are well-suited for the online classroom?

Finally, do you have ideas, insights, toolkits or techniques that don’t fit neatly into this proposed structure but would help make online education more playful and practical? Do you have a framework or approach for converting classroom activities into an online format? A special insight or toolkit that can bring play and joy into the web browser?

Get in touch. We want to hear your ideas.

Ready to get started? See the Submission Template information below.

Want to see an example submission? Download an example technique

Submission example:


Submission Template

Please download the Online Playbook Submission Template to submit to this project. If you have an idea that does not work well within the format of the template, please email us directly:

All submissions will be reviewed as soon as possible. You should expect a preliminary response within 2 weeks.