Updates, ideas and links to cool stuff. Have something to contribute? We’d love to share it!
Unboxing for Building Connections and Community in Online Learning By Lisa Forbs You all might...
Sir Ken Robinson (1950 – 2020)
Farewell by David Thomas The first time I saw Ken Robinson speak was at an academic tech...
Wacky Covid
By David Thomas If you listen to the dire warnings from the finance office, the gnashing of teeth...
Relevant Research
Exploring Play/playfulness and Learning in the Adult and Higher Education Classroom by David J....
I Heart Stickers
I ♥ Stickers by Lisa Forbes Sometimes simply playing games in a higher education class is all it...
A Reminder …
We all need a reminder sometimes. You want to play. You believe in the power of play. But the day...
The Power of Play
The Power of Play in Higher Education: Creativity in Tertiary Learning Edited by Alison James and...
Still Searching for the Meaning of Life?
by Lisa Forbes I’m sitting here trying to think about how to write this blog without coming off...
Play Matters: Book Mini-review
Play Matters A book I found meaningful in my study of play and fun in teaching is Play Matters by...
Virtual Symposium Announced!
Professors at Play Online Symposium Please hold the date for a virtual Symposium on Friday,...
Playfulness Matters
“Playfulness matters because it brings the essential qualities of freedom and personal expression...
Dynamic and Unpredictable Online Learning
by Lisa Forbes Maybe it’s just me but if I do the same thing for too long, I get extremely bored....