Updates, ideas and links to cool stuff. Have something to contribute? We’d love to share it!
A 2020 Reflection
Here’s to Hoping 2020 Leaves a Playful Residue by Lisa Forbes “It was the best of times, it was...
Wholehearted People Play
Vulnerability and Play by Lisa Forbes What does vulnerability have to do with play? Well, lots....
The Problem with Prizes
by David Thomas So, want to use a game in your classroom. And you want to give prizes to the...
Thinking Your Way to PLAY!
By Lisa Forbes 2020 has been quite a year. Many would probably like to pretend that 2020 never...
Tiny Dancer
by Amy Nichols, M.A. Ed., Guest Author I remember an illustration I was once told. In the story,...
To the Playposium and Beyond!
by Lisa Forbes In June of 2020, David and I started a Google listserv called Professors at Play....
A Word With Your Inner Child
by David Thomas I want to talk to you about your inner child. Or at least the concept that you...
Embodying Playfulness
by Lisa Forbes Embodying Playfulness Oh boy, this is a big topic here. Embodying...
Play = Fun = Love
by Lisa Forbes Here’s the thing...I believe that play equals love. I know this might seem a little...
Fun and Games in Higher Education: A Review
by David Thomas Rarely do you find academics willing to seriously think about fun, much less...
Play Languages
How come you don’t like to play? By Lisa Forbes Last night I was tucking my 5-year-old into her...
“But, I Don’t Have Time To Play…”
By Lisa Forbes You know what really grinds my gears? When people devalue and dismiss play in...