Updates, ideas and links to cool stuff. Have something to contribute? We’d love to share it!
Visuals, Themes, and Bitmojis, Oh My!
by Peggy Holzweiss, PhD I have a confession to make. I love teaching fully...
Big Message / Small Package
A Big ideas don’t always need a fancy package. While higher education loves to present complex...
The School for Unlearning
Lisa K. Forbes One day, I was reading the book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse. If you...
2023 Reflections
You know those lists that people use to try and sum up something as big and unmanageable as an...
What is Play? An Answer
What is play? It’s an easy question without an easy answer. To try and get to the bottom of that...
Using a Story Shell to Achieve Whole Course Play
by Peggy Holzweiss, PhD My journey into whole course play began when I heard Roberto Corrada...
Playing with Cards
I’m sure like many people my first introduction to card games was playing Snap as a child (or if...
Playposium 20224
After much planning, we are happy to announce our third Professors of Play Playposium. Since we...
Playing with Yellowdig
Professors at Play had a chance to spread the word about the power of play at a recent online...
Where have you been?
Oh hello. Been a while. What have we been up to at the Profs at Play Headquarters? Like you,...
Finding Fun
We spend a lot of time talking to faculty about their playful techniques as well as coming up with...
Online Fun!
We've been busy finalizing the Professors at Play Playbook. But we did take a moment to put some...