Discover the Power of Play in Education
Professors at Play AI PlayBook
Downloads: 2,198

In the spirit of open access, we have made the AI PlayBook free for download. The PDF is a complete copy of the book, with all the parts, pieces, graphics and more. Because some of us still like good old printed books, we also offer a print-on-demand version through If you’d like to support more publishing from Professors at Play or want full-color printed copies for your amusement, we have you covered. Printed copies are $10 USD plus shipping. Mostly, we want to share this work with as many people as possible and stimulate discussion. Head over to the listserv and share your insight and experience.
About the AI PlayBook
Professors at Play and Publications at Play present a fun introduction to artificial intelligence in the classroom. This collection of resources and ideas looks to demystify the role of AI in education through the lens of play. If AI is going to happen, let’s have some fun with it! In this easy-to-read tour of AI, we discuss the reality of AI and the value of play in exploring AI and focus on a collection of 17 AI tools with ideas for how to use them playfully in the classroom. More a provocation for discussion than a “How to” manual, the AI PlayBook looks to energize teaching and our ideas about education. Have ideas you’d like to share? Join in the discussion on the Professors at Play listserv.
Peek Inside the PlayBook

Unlock the Power of Play in Education
Transform your teaching with the Professors at Play AI PlayBook. Download the digital version for free now and discover innovative strategies to engage your students. Prefer a physical copy? Order your printed version today!