Welcome to October. That can only mean one thing:

The deadline for submitting your playful online techniques to the Professors at Play Online PlayBook is only a month away!

We have been collecting playful ideas for making online learning more relevant, engaging and fun! And we want to hear from you. Whether you have a tried-and-true technique you’d like to share or have a brainstorm of something that you think might work, get in touch. You can find all the information about the Online PlayBook here:


Also, as an update on the production process.

Originally, the PlayBook was going to be published by ETC Press. The ETC team has evolved the platform into a new consortium:  Play Story Press. We will be moving this PlayBook and future publications under the PSP umbrella. You can read more about the new consortium here:


In November, we will edit the PlayBook and produce the final formats and layouts. We plan to have the digital and print versions out early in 2025. No waiting around years to see your work in print! Submit this month and help spread the word that playful pedagogy matters.

Submission information and details are on the Professors at Play website:


And Happy Halloween! May all your tricks be treats!