Have an idea to make online classes more fun? Well, what are you waiting for? Submit your creative solutions to the Professors at Play ONLINE PlayBook! With a winter 2025 publishing date looming, we are happy to announce the submission deadline: Halloween, October 31st. Talk about fun deadlines.

Before you think, “Gee, I’d love to submit something, I am just not sure I have time”, keep a couple of things in mind:

1. You don’t have to submit a technique that you have tried in class. Have a clever idea? Write it up and send it in. Someone will surely give it a go:)

2. You don’t need to write a long, detailed submission (although that’s fine too).  For example, check out this superb submission from Professor at Play Andrew Davies (who generously offered to share in advance):

Find, or create, a black and white coloring book image. Have this image prominently displayed in your presentation software. Then share your screen so that participants can draw on the image with the annotation tools available in Zoom or other web-conferencing software. 

Quick. Simple and brilliant. Let Andrew be your inspiration. Submit your playful ideas today!