What? A new Playbook?

Yes, indeed. That’s the plan.

Last year, when we released the original Professors at Play Playbook, we responded to ongoing requests for techniques that profs could use in their classrooms. The response to the call for submissions was fantastic, and the interest in the book exceeded our hopes. With almost 9000 downloads of the free PDF and 1500 sales of ebooks and printed copies, we feel comfortable saying that people want play in their classrooms! (And in transparency, we sold the books at close to cost, so we have not made any money on the project.)

So, the Playbook was an encouraging hit. But what happens when you teach online? What happens to play then?

While the Playbook had many techniques that would either work online, or could be easily converted to work online,  many teachers said they wanted more ideas for the virtual classroom. From that insight the Online Playbook was born.

Over the summer and into the fall, we will collect your ideas and techniques to assemble the Online Playbook for publication with ETC Press in the winter of 2025. Like the original Playbook, authors will retain rights to their work, and the Playbook will be available in a free, Open Resource format and in paid print and ebook editions. 

We are excited about this iteration of the Playbook idea for several reasons. First off, it’s another chance to activate our community and see all the fun everyone is having. Second, we love the idea of focusing future editions of the Playbook on specific areas of need. Online is one of those areas. Large lecture hall is another. Eventually, we’d even like to publish a Playbook dedicated to the design of playful pedagogies.  Third, by expanding the Playbook series, we invite more professors to try play. And at the end of the day, if we are going to have a Playvolution in higher education, we will need a lot of playful allies!

Interested? Have questions? Let us know! Most of all, take some time this summer to consider typing up a technique or two and submitting it. We can’t wait to see what you have to share.



David & Lisa