A Playful Path
On this site you’ll find many quotes. One of our favorite places to find inspirational quotes about play come from Bernie Dekoven. Bernie was a preacher of play in all of its transformational qualities. Bernie saw that the simple act of having fun could change how you see the world and connect with your fellow humans.
If you’ve never read anything by Bernie, check out his book A Playful Path. It’s available from his site in both a printed, and free e-book edition. https://www.aplayfulpath.com/
“Playfulness is a gift that grants you great power. It allows you to transform the very things that you take seriously into opportunities for shared laugh-ter, the very things that make your heart heavy into things that make you rejoice, it turns junk into toys, toys into art, art into celebration. It turns walking into skipping, skipping into dance. It turns problems into puzzles, puzzles into invitations to wonder.” — A Playful Path